Janine Saxe - Fairfax County JDR Judge : A White Collar Child Abuser ATTENTION Fairfax County Residents, FATHERS AND MOTHERS, Grand Parents too. For Many years, Janine Saxe has been known to Parents and Grand Parents in Northern Virginia simply as a White Collar Child Abuser • Janine Saxe has been known to create unnecessary litigation between parents, stretch out child custody litigation, run up her bills. • Janine Saxe has been hostile to fit fathers seeking shared custody. • Janine Saxe has been known to separate fit parents and children through false and fabricated testimony in court. • Janine Saxe abuses Virginia’s foster care system. • Janine Saxe is an unethical Divorce Lawyer. Do you want this unethical person to be a Judge? JANINE SAXE MUST NOT be elected as a Fairfax County Juvenile & Domestic Relations Court JUDGE Janine Saxe is Bad for Children, Bad for Parents, Bad for Tax payers of Virginia SAY NO to Janine Saxe ASK Virginia Delegates NOT to elect Lawyer Janine Saxe on January 4th 2005 Judicial Nominations. VIRINIA’s Children come first NOT Lawyers. CHILDREN HAVE A RIGHT TO EQUAL TIME WITH BOTH PARENTS!! This is Robert Machen's Prison Record - Janine Saxe was aware of this document. ( See Above)
Flyer for distribution - Janine Saxe is bad for children Robert Machen's Federal Prison record Robert Machen's Index to his Criminal Trial Robert Machen and Stephen Armstrong - Racist bigots who Janine Saxe knew and condoned. Robert Machen accused of sexually harassing women or
Link Here Petition against Janine Saxe at Fathers wiki
Janine Saxe's favorate Judge who was used by her and Robert Machen to abuse the kids
5 Children Stolen by CPS in Virginia
Mom speaks to Cass County Mi/ corrupt Family court & DHS #1
WARNING! NOTHING ON THIS SITE IS MEANT TO BE LEGAL ADVICE! You should do your homework, calm down, assess the situation, then and only then hire a competent attorney to represent you. GWINNETT COUNTY DOES NOT LIKE PRO-SE LITIGANTS!
The Goal of this website is to Reduce litigation, Increase mediation , Eliminate the Guardian Ad Litem from private custody cases and Help facilitate workable joint physical and legal custody arrangements so the child may benefit from the love, direction and decision making capabilities of both parents.
In Atlanta Firing or Removing your G.A.L. may require the following steps:
File a motion opposing the appointment of a GAL
File motion to appoint psychologist if needed
File a motion to withdraw your counterclaim for custody
Amend your ANSWER to the Plaintiff's complaint denying a change occurred
File Summary Judgment or Contempt for failure to mediate or make good faith effort to resolve issues
File a motion to require 10 hours of mediation before a GAL may be appointed
You should know that the only reason the Court has appointed a GAL is that you and your ex can not agree on the who should have custody of your child. This gives the SYSTEM THIEVES a perfect excuse to bilk you and your ex out of thousands. The GAL is only interested in escalating her fees and does not care what your child wants. The only way to get rid of this parasite is to remove the disagreement between the parties.
This might mean that you have to drop your counterclaim. The Court does not like to change custody unless a material change in circumstances adversely affecting the welfare of the child can be demonstrated. If you and your Ex both agree that a change has occurred then it becomes a simple matter of appointing a GAL to determine the "best interest of the child". If you drop your counterclaim and amend your answer to show that no change has occurred or that the other parent refused to work with you in good faith to resolve the issue you have a great chance of retaining custody because the burden of proving a change occurred is on the Plaintiff.
If a real change has taken place and you want more visitation or custody the other parent should make a good faith effort to resolve your issues before a GAL is appointed. If you are the Plaintiff and a GAL has been appointed and the Judge will not vacate the order to appoint simply withdraw your complaint without prejudice. You can then schedule and attend mediation without paying the $200 per hour to the GAL. Why pay the mediator $200 per hour and the GAL $200 per hour?
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