A Fairfax Court Story - Family Values 1989-1995 Suzie#0's divorce
I met Suzie#0 when she was separated, having escaped to a friend's apartment with her minor son. Her then spouse had so terrified the people where she was staying that they had purchased a gun, a .357 magnum if I remember correctly. This spouse would stalk their residence, accost his Suzie#0 when she tried to obtain work and numerous times threatened to kill her, the minor son and the daughter if she did not return. Once when she sought shelter at the Woman's Shelter he threatened them with all sorts of harm. I kept trying to talk Suzie#0 into getting back together with her family - that is until I listened over the phone to one of his rants, from preaching to threatening. Then one time the husband was returning the minor son from a visitation, while holding the child he started yelling at Suzie#0, the lady that was providing shelter for her asked for the child so that the kid would not be exposed to the argument. During this altercation I was hiding in a stairwell with the lady's boyfriend, it was at this time that he showed me the gun they had purchased because of this guy. This "father" then took the child and threw him at the lady, knocking her flat on her back. Suzie#0 was not safe, neither was the woman and the family that sheltered her, the husband stalked and assaulted Suzie#0 at mass transit stops and at the various jobs she obtained. She would obtain employment, the courts would demand the address that they would provide to her spouses attorney and within a week the spouse would be accosting her at the new job. Employers do not look favorably on new employees or their relations causing a disturbance around customers. Less than a week before a custody hearing the husband took the minor child and did not return them, Suzie#0 had proof that she had custody (Social Services support and waiting list for residence), at the time of the hearing she was between attorneys having lost her first two - the courts did not accept the loss of an attorney as a reason for a delay so she lost custody of her minor son. Even though the judge awarded her liberal visitation, the husband would use the contact to berate and threaten her, the child was not allowed out of the townhouse either, Suzie#0 never got a visitation. I figured that given the situation Suzie#0 could vanish, at least the assaults would be stopped so I let her move in, this did not last. I found Suzie#0 knocked out on the patio, evidently she had gone outside for a cigarette when her husband knocked her out, giving her two black eyes, I/we had also observed him stalking around the residence, like he did the woman's residence, numerous times my neighbors, Suzie#0's co-workers had to intervene. Apparently the daughter had given up our address, she was upset because Suzie#0 had left her behind, which had been her choice but as a result the "father" had turned his attentions to the daughter. The police did nothing about the situation, they classified it as a domestic dispute, personally I believe that they were attracted to this "husband" since he had taken to wearing Suzie#0's' clothes and started hormone treatments to change his gender. It was coming up on six months and Suzie#0 had not had a visitation, she requested one the proscribed period dictated by the courts and the spouse said he would allow it The day before the visitation the spouse again vacillated between preaching, threatening and screaming over the phone, this went on for two hours Suzie#0 was reduced to tears, begging to talk to the child. Fed up I made the mistake of calling the Ex up and provide incentive to stop his stalking and assaults - my incentives worked but resulted in the Civil Suit and cost Suzie#0 her visitation (no I did not threaten but did employ some psychological tactics to dissuade physical attacks). With all this going on I found it ironic that this individual had the support of the Virginia Courts and The Church of God , not only was he threatening, members of The Church of God would come around preaching. I knew this individual as an abusive, violent, cross-dressing, hormone taking, incestuous individual that was being protected by the Police, Courts and a "Christian" Church - against an abused woman with a learning disability. This still confuses me, but they say that "Birds of a Feather Flock together" and we have stood up to all these freaks.
Suzie#0 had tried to get family counseling from Social Services, her husband had threatened them with violence for interfering with his family. Suzie#0 continued to seek counseling, for three years she saw TheRestonCounselor#0 before her separation. It got to the point that TheRestonCounselor#0 recommended that Suzie#0 leave. So after three years of counseling Suzie#0 finally decided to leave, Suzie#0 packed up her minor child, left a note, called the police to escort and document the separation. Suzie#0 left the residence with her minor son, moving in with Florence#0 and her family. Suzie#0 continued to see TheRestonCounselor#0 for a couple of years after the separation. During this period Husband#0 continued to threaten, stalk and assault Suzie#0, he terrorized Florence#0's residence and disrupted what employment Suzie#0 obtained.
We are not aware of Mr. A. Strode Brent Jr. never contacting Social Services. Suzie#0 even has a letter from Social Services to Mr. A. Strode Brent Jr. offering their assistance, yet Mr. A. Strode Brent Jr. never bothered, ignoring years of professional counseling and support. ATTORNEY#06 would bring in church and family members all commenting to the courts what a sinner Suzie#0 was. Mr. A. Strode Brent Jr. would show up, when Suzie#0 got upset because ATTORNEY#06 would lie and Mr. A. Strode Brent Jr. would ignore it with a comment like "professional curtesy". Did Mr. A. Strode Brent Jr. present an adequate defense to the courts ? Did the courts ignore Mr. A. Strode Brent Jr. ? Mr. A. Strode Brent Jr. did file a "Rule to Show Cause" but this action was dismissed by the judge with "Court will not enter 'Rule to Show Cause' when the petition is sworn by attorney rather than party. Also insufficient time - return date 3/20" notation on the document retrieved from the archives. Just what does this mean ? Mr. A. Strode Brent Jr. was theoretically acting on behalf of their client (party) - yet this judge dismisses it.
One day Suzie#0 received a call from TheRestonCounselor#0 from social services who was trying to help her survive the relationship, they informed her that there was a sheriff at her office with court orders to produce her records and notes on Suzie#0's session. This was very upsetting in that TheRestonCounselor#0 was the only other person Suzie#0 thought she could trust, so in the sessions they would discuss what was going on and how to deal with the events. Suzie#0 does not know whether the courts notified her attorney (Mr. A. Strode Brent Jr.) and he did not bother to tell her or the courts did not believe that they had to obey the Privacy Act of 1977 and notify the individual prior to accessing confidential records in an ongoing case. Given that the records started around three years prior to the separation and continued on to two years past it, it appeared that the access was "legal".
Suzie#0 contacted her attorney at the time that the courts accessed her mental health records and demanded that Mr. A. Strode Brent Jr. do something to stop the access, after prompting he took action. Mr. A. Strode Brent Jr. he filed a "Motion to Quash", the motion was dismissed by the courts and the record access allowed. Years later we went to Fairfax County Archives and looked up the records, scanning the files we found a document, the "Motion to Quash". Judge H L. Thomas presided over Mr. A. Strode Brent Jr.'s Motion to Quash Subpoena Duces Tecum ruled made the following note on the document found in the archives - "Motion to Quash denied Def. entitled to psychiatric records from 1-1-90.". This notation would exclude three years of records documenting the state of the household before the separation. The notation also excluded a year of documentation after the separation of stalking, threats and assaults. I had made my phone tape which stopped any meaningful event in the years that followed, so the records accessed only had documentation of the stress and strategy that Suzie#0 had in fighting the legal battles. Suzie#0 was trying to survive the stress of losing and worrying about her son, obtain employment, another Husband#0 assault and surviving ATTORNEY#06's crusade at this time. We do not know if Mr. A. Strode Brent Jr. noted this exclusion, presented the fact, but he was dismissed by the courts selective alteration of the context of the evidence by allowing information that was irrelevant to the divorce proceedings. The documentation obtained would show a woman under stress, without visible cause and would allow the courts to make a prejudicial ruling on the divorce.
The contents of the court omitted records included documentation of discussions with TheRestonCounselor#0 addressing a variety of relationship issues. Suzie#0 had tried to deal with the suicide of her sister who had killed herself after Husband#0 took the phone from Suzie#0 and hit her. Suzie#0 had also discussed the time when her husband, Husband#0, had handcuffed her to the bed, poured Jack Daniels down her throat, injected her with a drug and allowed his three friends to have her. Friends being allowed to discipline both the daughter and minor son. Lastly Husband#0 announcing his intent to become a woman, followed up with doctors bills and the discovery of pictures of Husband#0 in drag and self mutilation. This documentation was a small part of the information that the courts chose not to include with Judge H L. Thomas's ommission. Why didnt Mr. A. Strode Brent Jr. include and review all the records ? Why didnt Mr. A. Strode Brent Jr. use the willing TheRestonCounselor#0 to refute the parade of church and family members that ATTORNEY#06 paraded through the courts ? Why did Judge H L. Thomas, the courts, specifically exclude four years of records that would document the state of the marriage by professionals ?
I find it fascinating how the "authorities" avoid responsibility for their negligence. Take this situation here the courts ruled against Suzie#0, ruling that she have no contact with her minor son, Suzie#0 still has proof of an abusive household - the mental health records covering the period leading up to and after the separation, why cant the children sue Fairfax County for the damage that it caused - the son's untreated now chronic medical problems and the daughters molestation. The county in its actions facilitated this outcome, the human excuse is irrelevant in this and all such governmental screw ups, I say this because unlike one individual that may be sick or make a poor judgment call, these institutions are supposed to have levels of management whose professional reason for existing is to ensure that their staff successfully completes their mission. When the courts sided with an abuser and alleged molester by denying Suzie#0 contact with her minor son it became their responsibility to ensure the safety and well being of the children. Did they do this ? Did they protect the daughter from Husband#0's attentions ? The minor son, now grown up has chronic medical problems because of this negligence.
Husband#0 was awarded the divorce by the courts based upon Suzie#0's infidelity. Suzie#0 was awarded half the common property, which was the townhouse for seventeen years of marital abuse. This was not good enough for the husband or his crusading attorney, in the first place the townhouse was nearly paid off, an appraisal and refinance would have settled this issue. So the courts ordered the sale of the property, everyone agreed on a real-estate agent to sell it and things were moving again. However in each case the Ex messed up the showings - then lied in court about scheduled appointments with the agent. In the meantime the Ex's attorney was demanding child support from a woman that did not have a job and no settlement. The courts approximated a salary for Suzie#0 and demanded child support, I point out that the Ex had been stalking her at all her places of employment, including after our move to Manassas, these scenes had cost her employment. So Suzie#0 went to jail for non-payment of child support. This was when Attorney#03 deserted her, failing to even visit her in jail. Luckily one of our neighbors worked in the Fairfax jail, so we managed to keep Suzie#0 safe while she was there. Suzie#0 found Attorney#04 and this attorney extracted her from the jail. All this ate up Suzie#0's share of the settlement from the townhouse that Ms. Judy A. Dugger forced to auction. This ruling by the courts did not help Suzie#0 get started, get her clothes that the EX wore, or be able to afford transportation - the good thing is that Suzie#0 is still alive.
When Suzie#0 left the husband cancelled both her's and his daughters coverage under his "Health Care" - not a big issue if he had allowed his wife to obtain employment and get covered.
This divorce was the most upsetting situation that I observed. I personally witnessed her husband assault the woman that was putting her up, using his own child and in the process knocking the woman down, the daily phone threats several of which I listened into as he would alternate between threatening his family and preaching. Then there was the husband's intent to become a woman, this may be acceptable to some but Suzie#0 did not want to be married to a woman, she found it an unacceptable relationship. According to documented Virginia law so far a woman cannot be married to a woman. The courts accepted claims that it was a fetish, and did not accept that Suzie#0 did not find the behavior acceptable - Suzie#0 had the doctors receipt and hormone prescription at one time, this was another item that her counsel chose not to present to the courts. The husbands attorney managed to get the courts to release Suzie#0's mental health records starting a year after separation, not those records that covered the period before the separation or the year after it - the husbands attorney acquired the confidential treatment of a woman in a stressful situation confiding in their counselor for a solution, it is to be noted that part of the stress was because the retained attorneys kept failing to address supporting issues. In one incident of abuse the husband and three of his friends had tied up Suzie#0 pouring Jack Daniels down her throat and injected her with something as the husband watched his friends rape her. Another unacceptable event was when he informed Suzie#0 that he planned to change into a woman, this was done by calling Suzie#0 up at a church event to inform her of his intent, in his zest to see how he looked as a woman he ruined Suzie#0's property, her clothes by wearing them in the process stretching them so they no longer fit. When the Suzie#0 finally left the household she had little or no property and her minor son, no money either. Now when she tried to get a divorce, these "authorities" judged her the sinner and left her with nothing, the minor son that she had run away with was ignored after the court case was over, the child apparently because of lack of treatment has several chronic medical problems that will be with them for the rest of their lives. Also because of these "authorities" judgments Suzie#0 could not help the estranged daughter who claimed to me that after Suzie#0 had left, the husband had turned his attentions to her. What I observe here is that these "authorities" play lip service to the written law yet choose to overlook portions when it suits them, from their actions and failures to act it appears that they condone and facilitate an environment of abuse, rape, sexual deviations and lies. I say this because if they did not condone / facilitate such an environment there would be a means to redress the failures of this system. It upsets me when a client hires someone to do a job, the client presents these attorneys with materials, they disregard them and as a result their client gets "fucked" the people that support this implementation sicken me with their hypocrisy. Note I say "implementation" because if in Suzie#0's case the Judge and the attorneys had done their job a fair resolution would have occurred the System would have worked both parties would have been able to continue with their lives and the child would have been taken care of. But a Judge that does not listen, an attorney that lies in their crusade and other attorneys that just overlook meaningful EVENTDETAILS are not implementing the system correctly. Again I find it festinating that this court institution condones and supports lies from its "officers", Suzie#0 / this abusers wife had documents and professional witnesses (therapists) predating the separation, she even called the police to aid in her vacating the household - yet the abusing husband's attorney kept repeating that the woman deserted, lied about custody of the minor, lied about the assaults and claimed coincidence for his appearances. Then the courts conspired with the attorney to access confidential mental health records that dated a year after the separation (the period noted by someone called Judge H L. Thomas that exclusively omitted the separation and the period before it), this information was used to prove that Suzie#0 was unfaithful (a year after her separation) but otherwise it was irrelevant to the case. Why did this Judge H L. Thomas individual exclude the separation, slanting the presented information, only accessing the documentation of woman under stress living in fear that maybe she would not be so lucky the next time she is assaulted - excluding documentation of a history of abuse in this manner the system is bypassed by implementation and "due process" is corrupted.
Anomalies - A fair court - or - Kangaroo court
01 Why didn't the courts notify Suzie#0 prior to the access of her confidential mental health records ? It took TheRestonCounselor#0 calling Suzie#0 up to tell her of the access.
02 Suzie#0 had believed that all her records had been accessed when she tried to have Mr. A. Strode Brent Jr. quash the access to her medical records after her counselor notified her of the breach. It was not until we went to the archives that we observed that the courts had limited the access to a period that did not pertain to the divorce, starting a year after the separation - why was this ? Was this a conspiracy by the courts with a crusading attorney out to squash escaping chattel ? By this omission the courts broke their own law pertaining to the access of confidential records at that time - the access had to address the "need to know requirement" in this case cover the period prior to and including the separation not the musings of a woman under stress. The reason that this is so pivotal is that Suzie#0 had discussed legal strategies and issues of emotional stress with these mental health counselors with the belief that the conversations were confidential - they had been with her much longer than I had.
03 Why did the courts disregard the stalking as coincidence ? especially when said coincidence resulted in numerous situations ?
04 Why didn't the courts accept the abuse, gender transformation and wearing of Suzie#0's clothes by her husband as suitable reasons for divorce ? Is this a reflection of those implementing the courts ?
05 With all that happened, why did it take Suzie#0 admitting infidelity nearly three years after separation for the courts to award the husband with the divorce and allow her to escape this individual ?
06 Why did the courts keep accepting the husbands delays ? Mr. A. Strode Brent Jr. cited "professional curtesy" as his excuse for failing.
Reasons that Suzie#0 told me for separating and divorcing Husband#0.
R1 When I met Suzie#0 the last thing I wanted to do was to break up a household if it could be put together that would be best. So I asked and asked and asked her why she wanted to leave the household what follows were the reasons that she told me and supporting information was available for the courts.
Reason 1 First reason that Suzie#0 gave me for wanting a divorce was that her husband was wearing her clothes and had informed her that he was taking the hormones to become a woman. Suzie#0 has nothing against gender benders as long as they do not impact her life, this activity combined with his making her clothes unwearable was the straw that broke the camels back. Apparently this does not constitute a reason for divorce in the eyes of Virginia Courts or The Church of God .
Reason 2 Second reason that Suzie#0 gave me for wanting a divorce was to extract herself and her children from an abusive relationship. An example being when the husband had prevented her from obtaining a drivers license and beat her when she visited friends. Another one was when Suzie#0's sister committed suicide, she had been on the phone with her sister that night but her husband took the phone from her and hit her.
Reason 3 Third reason that Suzie#0 gave me for wanting a divorce. The husband had handcuffed her to their bed, poured Jack Daniels down her throat, injected her with some drug and let three of his friends have their way with her.
Reason 4 Fourth reason that Suzie#0 gave me for wanting a divorce. The husbands friends were disciplining the children, she commented that one of his friends held her daughters hands over the stove.
Reason 5 Fifth reason that Suzie#0 gave me for wanting a divorce. Her husband had committed adultery with someone in Pennsylvania where he had an illegitimate child.
Reason 6 Sixth reason that Suzie#0 gave me for wanting a divorce. One other thing that I have heard was that her husband had been convicted of Felony Rape. I have been told that he raped a thirteen year old and spent a year and half in jail for it. This supports our concern when Suzie#0's daughter claimed that he had made advances towards his daughter when Suzie#0 left.
Reason 7 Seventh reason that Suzie#0 gave me was that when Suzie#0 tried to get a drivers license and Husband#0 found out he would beat her.
Reason 8 Husband#0 denied Suzie#0 contact with her already estranged family and also denied her contact with her foster families. Usually beating her when contact was made, there were not any strong family bonds that could have removed her from this abuse.
Next - A Fairfax Court Story - Family Values (II) Contact/Donations
Who is this ?
Me#0 Veteran U.S. Marine, programmer - I was tasered by the police so I am now a "threat to society".
Suzie#0 Abused, discriminated against - diagnosed bipolar disorder, slight reading problem, great cook and a little gullible.
Gumby#0 Judge/Magistrate - isolated the mental health record access, omitting the period that was relevant to the divorce case (identified by note of exclusion).
Thomas, H L
Florence#0 Friend that provided sanctuary for Suzie#0, the woman who the "Christian" husband knocked down by throwing his child at her.
JUDGE#0 Judge that only heard one side, making his judgement
TheRestonCounselor#0 Suzie#0's Reston Social Services Northwest Center Mental Health Counselor
ATTORNEY#03 Third Attorney (divorce) - Just did not use what was available, even after ATTORNEY#06 use it out context against Suzie#0
Brent Jr., A. Strode The Law Firm of Whitestone, Brent, Young & Merril, P.C.
Fairfax Virginia
ATTORNEY#01 First Attorney
Halago, Alveine G Suzie#0's former foster mother's attorney connected Suzie#0 with this attorney
ATTORNEY#02 Second Attorney, defended me on the phone tapes that stopped Husband#0's stalking by using evidence that Suzie#0 had from her divorce.
Mason Referred by ATTORNEY#01
ATTORNEY#04 Fourth Attorney (divorce) - Got Suzie#0 out of jail, fought through the mistakes of ATTORNEY#03 and then forgot about us on an "Abuse of Process" - (an opportunity for recovery).
Dugger, Judy A.
Fairfax Virginia
ATTORNEY#06 Husband#0's Attorney (divorce) - a member of the "TheChurch#0" / "ChurchOrg#0", on a crusade against abused, escaping chattel. I nearly published this woman hating monster's name but he crusades against women, perpetuating and supporting spousal abuse.
TheChurch#0 Judged Suzie#0 a sinner (Judge not lest ye be judged), harrassed and supported an abuser, a man that wanted to be a woman, against Suzie#0. Their counselor, accepted by the courts, started by calling her an adulterer, forgetting about Husband#0's "sins".
The Church of God
Related / Cascading events
ATTORNEY#01 & ATTORNEY#02 (1989-1990 Quitters)
ATTORNEY#03 (1990-1992 Third attorney, Omitted - mental health counselors, records, police reports and did not contest lies)
ATTORNEY#04 (1993-1995 Helped, promised to address "Abuse of Process" and forgot)
ATTORNEY#06 (1989-1995 "ChurchOrg#0" attorney on a Crusade against abused chattel trying to escape their abuser.)
ATTORNEY#07 (1995 Bankruptcy executor claimed that ATTORNEY#03 did their job)
A Fairfax Court Story - Family Values (III) (1989-1990 How Fairfax Authorities protect the children - Right)
A Prince William County Court Story - Family Values (IV) (1989-1995 Ex's Civil Suit - Intentional Infliction of Emotional distress)
A Alexandria Court Story - Family Values (V) (1995 Suzie#0's bankruptcy - Escapes the Civil Suit)
TheChurch#0 and ChurchOrg#0 (Judge not lest ye be Judged - home of the Attorney on a "Crusade")
A Negligent Institution (1989-2006 Why I focus on this institution)
Time Line (Way too much time wasted because of "professional failures".)
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