Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Fairfax County CPS SocialWorker accused of Fabricating Child Abuse allegations.

On Aug 27, 3:46 pm, Greegor wrote:
> Please archive.
> cindyjohns...@... Aug 26, 11:48 am
> Newsgroups:
> From: cindyjohns...@...
> Subject: Fairfax County CPSSocialWorker accused of Fabricating,
> Child .ual Abuse allegations.
> Fairfax County CPSSocialWorker accused of Fabricating, Child .ual
> Abuse allegations.
> Fairfax VA. Wednesday, July 03, 2007
> A complaint has been filed with the Department of FamilyServicesfor
> the dismissal of CPSsocialworker Ms. Shannon Traore and her boss
> Elizabeth Spell of the Fairfax Department of FamilyServices. Also
> filed was a request to investigate all cases of abuse in which Ms.
> Traore has been involved in.
> Ms. Traore has been caught on audio tape leading two young children
> aged 5 & 7 years to state physical & .ual abuse allegations against
> their father. Using those coached testimony Ms. Traore helped kick
> off
> a criminal and civil campaign against the father.
> When asked what happened to the tapes from the coached interviews,
> Ms. Traore claims there were audio failure. Well, Did she record
> subsequent interviews? No. claims Ms. Traore. In a recovered audio
> tape interview Ms Traore starts off the second interview by
> suggesting
> to the child to think of the reasons why she does not like going to
> her dads, and how if has her dad touched her in the bikini area,
> those
> are bad touches, The child repeatedly states to Ms. Traore during the
> interview that it was in the bath tub when she was 3 years of age and
> daddy was giving the a bath. ( Dad was the sole custodian of the
> children).
> Ms. Traore of Fairfax County, Virginia filed a Temporary protective
> order in November of 2006 used in a Juvenile court case that she
> "knew
> or reasonably should have known were false or at the very least
> questionable" and that the report would mislead a Judge Clayton into
> making a decision in the case, according to court records obtained by
> this reporter. Read More... How Fairfax County CPSSocialWorker
> fabricated child abuse.
> In an audio tape obtained from the CPS,Socialworker Ms Traore is
> heard coaching and asking leading questions
> Is Gerry Connolly Chairman, Fairfax County Board of Supervisors a
> Child Abuser? Is he a .ual Abuser. Did he .ually Abuse his
> Daughter Caitlin Connolly?
> According to Fairfax County Child ProtectiveServicesSocialWorker
> Ms. Shannon Traore who investigated several people for child abuse,
> She has found by a preponderance of evidence among many that the
> Chairman of the Board of Supervisor Mr. Gerry Connolly to have
> .ually abused his daughter Caitlin Connolly. Her boss Elizebeth
> Spell at CPS seems to agree with her.
> Why would she find Gerry or for that matter any other prominent
> citizens to be child abusers? How did the Child ProtectiveServices
> come to this conclusion? Is thisSocialworker a sick pervert, Is she
> out of her mind? How is it possible for a prominent and outstanding
> citizen of Fairfax county, a loving father of Caitlin Connolly to be
> found to have .ually abused his own daughter. Well, Gerry Connolly
> had touched his daughter's genitals and her bikini area in the bath
> tub when she was three years old while giving her a bath. And those
> are bad touches... And our chairman becomes a pervert and a
> pedophile..Parents should not be doing bad touches.... and according
> to CPSsocialworker Ms. Shannon Traore those people are guilty of
> .ually abusing their children. Parents are not allowed to touch
> their children in their genital area while giving them a bath. By this
> definition thisSocialworker becomes the thought police finding
> anyone in Fairfax County to be .ual Abusers. Her target mostly are
> fathers in child custody situations.
> Please listen to the following audio recording before reading
> further :
> Interview of a 5 year old girl by CPS worker Ms. Shannon Traore
> Interview of a 7 Year old girl by the CPS Ms. Shannon Traore.
> Continuation...... 5 year old interview by Ms. Traore.
> picture1 -socialworker Ms. Traore used this picture as evidence to
> prevent a parent from having contact with his daughter. This is the
> most dammning evidence of physical abuse of the child that she could
> get. - She was preventing anyone from accessing this photo as
> evidence.
> Picture 2 - This is the next damming picture of physical abuse.
> SocialWorker refused to talk with Credible Witnesses who have seen
> the children on the day that she claims the children were abused.
> see affidavit of Paul Thomas and affidavit of Lasantha Weidende a
> professional with security clearance.
> Fairfax County CPSSocialWorker accused of Fabricating, Child .ual
> Abuse allegations.
> Fairfax VA. Wednesday, July 03, 2007
> A complaint has been filed with the Department of FamilyServicesfor
> the dismissal of CPSsocialworker Ms. Shannon Traore and her boss
> Elizabeth Spell of the Fairfax Department of FamilyServices. Also
> filed was a request to investigate all cases of abuse in which Ms.
> Traore has been involved in.
> Ms. Traore has been caught on audio tape leading two young children
> aged 5 & 7 years to state physical & .ual abuse allegations against
> their father. Using those coached testimony Ms. Traore helped kick off
> a criminal and civil campaign against the father.
> When asked what happened to the tapes from the coached interviews,
> Ms. Traore claims there were audio failure. Well, Did she record
> subsequent interviews? No. claims Ms. Traore. In a recovered audio
> tape interview Ms Traore starts off the second interview by suggesting
> to the child to think of the reasons why she does not like going to
> her dads, and how if has her dad touched her in the bikini area, those
> are bad touches, The child repeatedly states to Ms. Traore during the
> interview that it was in the bath tub when she was 3 years of age and
> daddy was giving the a bath. ( Dad was the sole custodian of the
> children).
> Ms. Traore of Fairfax County, Virginia filed a Temporary protective
> order in November of 2006 used in a Juvenile court case that she "knew
> or reasonably should have known were false or at the very least
> questionable" and that the report would mislead a Judge Clayton into
> making a decision in the case, according to court records obtained by
> this reporter. Read More... How Fairfax County CPSSocialWorker
> fabricated child abuse.
> In an audio tape obtained from the CPS,Socialworker Ms Traore is
> heard coaching and asking leading questions
> How Child Protectiveservicesworks
> National Coalition for Child Protection Reform / 53 Skyhill Road
> (Suite 202) / Alexandria, Va., 22314 / /
> CPS False Accusations
> KIDJACKED - How CPS Seizes control of a child , by use of force.
> Nazi Germany or America? Our granddaughter - age 2 =BD years old was
> kidnapped and abducted by C.P.S. workers
> Parent's Worst Nightmare - This is Child Protection?
> "Most of the time, I was taking their kids away for no good reason" --
> A New York City CPS worker
> ( Amy Pagnozzi, "HRA Insider: I Took Kids From Parents For No Good
> Reason," New York Post, February 4, 1991, p.7 )
> COVER- Saving Sarah: Satan worship, . abuse, and Dr. Martin Stein
> Published October 16, 2003 in issue #0241 of The Hook
> The little girl's memories were vivid and horrifying: being .d by
> her father at age two, watching her father and stepmother bury animals
> alive in satanic rituals, and seeing babies boiling in a cauldron
> while adults stirred the pot. But were they true?
> The Albemarle County Department ofSocialServicesbelieved enough of
> them to rule against her father and put his name in the central
> registry of child abusers. While the child was clearly tortured by
> those memories, she wasn't the only one in pain. Today, that little
> girl's father, Tom Manuel, and his wife, Kathleen, know firsthand what
> hell is like, but it's not because they worship Satan. They say the
> instrument of their suffering resides right here on earth and goes by
> the name Dr. Martin Stein.
> The trouble starts
> Tom Manuel remembers exactly when his nightmare began: three days
> before he was due to pick up his then-12-year-old daughter, Sarah, for
> Christmas vacation. With no warning, Tom and his new wife, Kathleen,
> received a letter from his ex-wife's attorney denying them all
> visitation with Sarah. For months, Tom and Kathleen-- whose son, Jack,
> was then just seven months old-- fought to learn why his visits had
> been terminated. In April 1994, they got a terrifying answer: Sarah
> had memories of the couple participating in grotesque satanic rituals.
> Even worse, she claimed her father had .ually abused her from her
> earliest years.
> Three-year-old Sarah, years before the trouble started.
> Things hadn't always been bad between Sarah and her father, however.
> Tom and Sarah's mother divorced when Sarah was four, but for two years
> all three continued to reside in Charlottesville. Tom and Sarah, by
> both of their accounts, continued to enjoy a close relationship and
> did so for several years after the divorce, even after Sarah and her
> mother moved out of town.
> Sarah, now a woman finishing college in northern Virginia, says the
> serious problems began after her mother remarried.
> Sarah became depressed and her mother sought psychiatric treatment for
> her. At age 10, Sarah was diagnosed with Attention Deficit Disorder
> and soon after was hospitalized for an emotional disturbance. Though
> her mother divorced her second husband, Sarah's troubles weren't
> over.
> When Sarah was released from inpatient treatment at Dominion Hospital
> in Falls Church, her mother, Susan Jones, switched her daughter's
> treatment to Martin Stein, a well known psychiatrist who, according to
> the Virginia Board of Medicine's records, has a medical degree from
> Yale.
> Things quickly went ...
> read more =BB,,30100-1281689,00.html

Fran Lyon false allegation MSbP unborn child to be taken at birth

GMTV Tomorrow 30th August

Virginia USA audio of caseworker coaching and leading interview
Please archive. Aug 26, 11:48 am

Subject: Fairfax County CPS Social Worker accused of Fabricating,
Child Sexual Abuse allegations.

Fairfax County CPS Social Worker accused of Fabricating, Child Sexual
Abuse allegations.

Fairfax VA. Wednesday, July 03, 2007

A complaint has been filed with the Department of Family Services for
the dismissal of CPS social worker Ms. Shannon Traore and her boss
Elizabeth Spell of the Fairfax Department of Family Services. Also
filed was a request to investigate all cases of abuse in which Ms.
Traore has been involved in.

Ms. Traore has been caught on audio tape leading two young children
aged 5 & 7 years to state physical & sexual abuse allegations against
their father. Using those coached testimony Ms. Traore helped kick
a criminal and civil campaign against the father.

When asked what happened to the tapes from the coached interviews,
Ms. Traore claims there were audio failure. Well, Did she record
subsequent interviews? No. claims Ms. Traore. In a recovered audio
tape interview Ms Traore starts off the second interview by
to the child to think of the reasons why she does not like going to
her dads, and how if has her dad touched her in the bikini area,
are bad touches, The child repeatedly states to Ms. Traore during the
interview that it was in the bath tub when she was 3 years of age and
daddy was giving the a bath. ( Dad was the sole custodian of the

Ms. Traore of Fairfax County, Virginia filed a Temporary protective
order in November of 2006 used in a Juvenile court case that she
or reasonably should have known were false or at the very least
questionable" and that the report would mislead a Judge Clayton into
making a decision in the case, according to court records obtained by
this reporter. Read More... How Fairfax County CPS Social Worker
fabricated child abuse.

In an audio tape obtained from the CPS, Social worker Ms Traore is
heard coaching and asking leading questions

Is Gerry Connolly Chairman, Fairfax County Board of Supervisors a
Child Abuser? Is he a Sexual Abuser. Did he Sexually Abuse his
Daughter Caitlin Connolly?

According to Fairfax County Child Protective Services Social Worker
Ms. Shannon Traore who investigated several people for child abuse,
She has found by a preponderance of evidence among many that the
Chairman of the Board of Supervisor Mr. Gerry Connolly to have
sexually abused his daughter Caitlin Connolly. Her boss Elizebeth
Spell at CPS seems to agree with her.

Why would she find Gerry or for that matter any other prominent
citizens to be child abusers? How did the Child Protective Services
come to this conclusion? Is this Social worker a sick pervert, Is she
out of her mind? How is it possible for a prominent and outstanding
citizen of Fairfax county, a loving father of Caitlin Connolly to be
found to have sexually abused his own daughter. Well, Gerry Connolly
had touched his daughter's genitals and her bikini area in the bath
tub when she was three years old while giving her a bath. And those
are bad touches... And our chairman becomes a pervert and a
pedophile..Parents should not be doing bad touches.... and according
to CPS social worker Ms. Shannon Traore those people are guilty of
sexually abusing their children. Parents are not allowed to touch
their children in their genital area while giving them a bath. By this
definition this Social worker becomes the thought police finding
anyone in Fairfax County to be Sexual Abusers. Her target mostly are
fathers in child custody situations.

Please listen to the following audio recording before reading
further :

Interview of a 5 year old girl by CPS worker Ms. Shannon Traore

Interview of a 7 Year old girl by the CPS Ms. Shannon Traore.

Continuation...... 5 year old interview by Ms. Traore.

picture1 - social worker Ms. Traore used this picture as evidence to
prevent a parent from having contact with his daughter. This is the
most dammning evidence of physical abuse of the child that she could
get. - She was preventing anyone from accessing this photo as

Picture 2 - This is the next damming picture of physical abuse.

Social Worker refused to talk with Credible Witnesses who have seen
the children on the day that she claims the children were abused.

see affidavit of Paul Thomas and affidavit of Lasantha Weidende a
professional with security clearance.

Fairfax County CPS Social Worker accused of Fabricating, Child Sexual
Abuse allegations.

Fairfax VA. Wednesday, July 03, 2007

A complaint has been filed with the Department of Family Services for
the dismissal of CPS social worker Ms. Shannon Traore and her boss
Elizabeth Spell of the Fairfax Department of Family Services. Also
filed was a request to investigate all cases of abuse in which Ms.
Traore has been involved in.

Ms. Traore has been caught on audio tape leading two young children
aged 5 & 7 years to state physical & sexual abuse allegations against
their father. Using those coached testimony Ms. Traore helped kick off
a criminal and civil campaign against the father.

When asked what happened to the tapes from the coached interviews,
Ms. Traore claims there were audio failure. Well, Did she record
subsequent interviews? No. claims Ms. Traore. In a recovered audio
tape interview Ms Traore starts off the second interview by suggesting
to the child to think of the reasons why she does not like going to
her dads, and how if has her dad touched her in the bikini area, those
are bad touches, The child repeatedly states to Ms. Traore during the
interview that it was in the bath tub when she was 3 years of age and
daddy was giving the a bath. ( Dad was the sole custodian of the

Ms. Traore of Fairfax County, Virginia filed a Temporary protective
order in November of 2006 used in a Juvenile court case that she "knew
or reasonably should have known were false or at the very least
questionable" and that the report would mislead a Judge Clayton into
making a decision in the case, according to court records obtained by
this reporter. Read More... How Fairfax County CPS Social Worker
fabricated child abuse.

In an audio tape obtained from the CPS, Social worker Ms Traore is
heard coaching and asking leading questions

How Child Protective services works
National Coalition for Child Protection Reform / 53 Skyhill Road
(Suite 202) / Alexandria, Va., 22314 / /

CPS False Accusations

KIDJACKED - How CPS Seizes control of a child , by use of force.

Nazi Germany or America? Our granddaughter - age 2 ½ years old was
kidnapped and abducted by C.P.S. workers

Parent's Worst Nightmare - This is Child Protection?

"Most of the time, I was taking their kids away for no good reason" --
A New York City CPS worker

( Amy Pagnozzi, "HRA Insider: I Took Kids From Parents For No Good
Reason," New York Post, February 4, 1991, p.7 )

COVER- Saving Sarah: Satan worship, sex abuse, and Dr. Martin Stein

Published October 16, 2003 in issue #0241 of The Hook


The little girl's memories were vivid and horrifying: being raped by
her father at age two, watching her father and stepmother bury animals
alive in satanic rituals, and seeing babies boiling in a cauldron
while adults stirred the pot. But were they true?

The Albemarle County Department of Social Services believed enough of
them to rule against her father and put his name in the central
registry of child abusers. While the child was clearly tortured by
those memories, she wasn't the only one in pain. Today, that little
girl's father, Tom Manuel, and his wife, Kathleen, know firsthand what
hell is like, but it's not because they worship Satan. They say the
instrument of their suffering resides right here on earth and goes by
the name Dr. Martin Stein.

The trouble starts

Tom Manuel remembers exactly when his nightmare began: three days
before he was due to pick up his then-12-year-old daughter, Sarah, for
Christmas vacation. With no warning, Tom and his new wife, Kathleen,
received a letter from his ex-wife's attorney denying them all
visitation with Sarah. For months, Tom and Kathleen-- whose son, Jack,
was then just seven months old-- fought to learn why his visits had
been terminated. In April 1994, they got a terrifying answer: Sarah
had memories of the couple participating in grotesque satanic rituals.
Even worse, she claimed her father had sexually abused her from her
earliest years.

Three-year-old Sarah, years before the trouble started.

Things hadn't always been bad between Sarah and her father, however.

Tom and Sarah's mother divorced when Sarah was four, but for two years
all three continued to reside in Charlottesville. Tom and Sarah, by
both of their accounts, continued to enjoy a close relationship and
did so for several years after the divorce, even after Sarah and her
mother moved out of town.

Sarah, now a woman finishing college in northern Virginia, says the
serious problems began after her mother remarried.

Sarah became depressed and her mother sought psychiatric treatment for
her. At age 10, Sarah was diagnosed with Attention Deficit Disorder
and soon after was hospitalized for an emotional disturbance. Though
her mother divorced her second husband, Sarah's troubles weren't

When Sarah was released from inpatient treatment at Dominion Hospital
in Falls Church, her mother, Susan Jones, switched her daughter's
treatment to Martin Stein, a well known psychiatrist who, according to
the Virginia Board of Medicine's records, has a medical degree from

Things quickly went from bad to worse.

According to Sarah, Stein told Susan that Sarah's problems were
serious. But he could help.

After diagnosing Sarah with progressively more serious disorders--
depression, anxiety, separation anxiety, epilepsy, and finally
Multiple Personality Disorder (now called Dissociative Identity
Disorder)-- he placed Sarah in his treatment program, with sessions
conducted in a space attached to his office. Sarah says the goal of
the program was to elicit repressed memories of incest and abuse.

"He was really grotesque about what he would talk about," she says.
Sarah claims that Stein showed her and the other patients pictures of
adults engaging in explicit acts of oral and anal sex, animals
copulating, and in one instance, a woman having sex with a dog.

Although she was only 11, she says that didn't stop Stein from
behaving inappropriately with her. "He was obsessed with me," she
says. "He was constantly touching me, massaging me, and talking about
my breasts." Though she says he never attempted to have sex with her,
on one occasion, she says, he placed his hand on her developing

Anyone who thinks her claims sound farfetched need look no further
than the Sunday, September 28, edition of The Washington Post. In an
extensive cover story, Stein's impact on several families is described
in horrifying detail.

In one case, Stein was separately treating several members of one
family-- a clear breach of ethics, according to the Post and a report
by the Virginia Board of Medicine.

After years of taking heavy doses of multiple drugs, one of his
patients, 49-year-old Anita Kratzke, was found dead in her bed.
According to the Post story, Stein signed the death certificate
without an autopsy, preventing any investigation into the cause of her
death. Her husband, Robert Kratzke, has permanent brain damage and has
had to relinquish his high-paying government job as an engineer.
Doctors now attribute his problems to years of heavy and inappropriate
medication prescribed by Stein. The Kratzkes' youngest son, Chris,
just seven when he began treatment with Stein, lost years of his
childhood to hospitalizations and alleged over-medication. All of this
was reported by the Washington Post and is verified by the medical
board report.

According to the Board of Medicine's report, Stein's treatment of at
least 10 patients was "contrary to sound medical advice." A layman
might put it more bluntly.

In addition to the Kratzke case, the Board reported that Stein
prescribed the highly addictive painkiller OxyContin to several
patients, including a heroin addict. He prescribed 30 different
medications to another patient without considering possible drug
interactions, failed to keep "complete and accurate records," and
encouraged that patient to sell her home and allow him to oversee her
considerable financial holdings.

Stein had sexual relations with that adult female patient and used
"hypnosis, suggestion, massage, and psychotropic medicines to evoke
memories of childhood abuse. Said memories are not corroborated and
have, in at least one instance, been disproved by objective evidence,"
the report reads.

The latter behavior corresponds closely to Sarah's description of
Stein's "program." Over the course of two years, Sarah was placed in
the program, often "from morning until night." During that time, Stein
also prescribed heavy medication for her, she says. Sarah and her
father report that under hypnosis and the simultaneous influence of as
many as 10 or 12 different prescription medicines-- including Ritalin,
Ativan, Valium, Lithium, and an epilepsy drug, Tegretol-- Sarah's
"memories" emerged.

Her mother, now living in northern Virginia, and who declined to be
interviewed for this story, was also being treated by Stein, Sarah
says, and believed in his treatment methods.

"He had my mom totally convinced of it," she says.

A loving father

While Sarah was miles away and under Stein's care, Tom and Kathleen
were getting information, little by little, about her situation. The
stress, Tom recalls as he recounts his experience, became nearly
unbearable. One afternoon, after hearing a new accusation-- that he
and Kathleen had been burying animals in their yard-- they arrived
home to find that a large hole had been dug and then filled in.

"We were shaking," says Kathleen, who explains they worried that
someone was trying to frame them. Though an explanation was
forthcoming-- the cable company had been digging on their property--
their fear didn't subside. And Sarah's accusations became ever more

"At one point, she said that I had worn a nursing bra and made her
nurse from me," Tom says.

In addition to recalling witnessing her grandmother having sex with
cats, Sarah said Tom and Kathleen's 1993 wedding had been a satanic
ritual, with a fire, and cult members dancing and pointing at her
while singing, "Roses are red, violets are corny, I look at you and I
get horny."

There had been a fire at their wedding, Kathleen says, but they took
the idea from a midsummer celebration at Ash Lawn in which
participants burned small bundles of straw as a symbol of putting
cares and worries behind them and starting fresh-- not quite an homage
to Lucifer.

"It was obvious to us and everyone else we knew that these allegations
couldn't be true," Kathleen says.

Unfortunately, several people believed Sarah's accusations.

"State of abject terror"

As Tom and Kathleen continued to fight for visitation, Dr. Stein took
Sarah's claims to the authorities: Albemarle County's Child Protective

The case was assigned to a social worker named Carol Goodpasture, who
went to Fairfax to interview Sarah and Susan. Though Sarah says she
refused to talk during two initial visits, the third time she broke

Under hypnosis, and in front of Goodpasture and Albemarle County
Detective James Bunch, Tom says Sarah repeated her ghastly claims
against him. Goodpasture labeled Sarah's case a "'founded' Level 1
disposition of sexual abuse," the most serious type.

In a May 10, 1994, letter, Goodpasture informed Tom that his and
Sarah's names had been entered into the Virginia Department of Social
Services' "Central Registry" where they would remain on file for "the
longest retention time," 18 years. The letter says this listing is not
meant to be a "punitive measure," but "serves simply as a tracking
system and is strictly confidential."

Sarah's father, Goodpasture wrote, could appeal the decision.

Convinced that it would be only a matter of time before his name was
cleared, he offered to take a polygraph, or lie detector, test.

"You'll take drugs to pass it," Goodpasture allegedly replied. When
Tom offered to simultaneously take a drug test and the polygraph, he
says, Goodpasture's response was equally quick: "You'll train to pass
it." At his lawyer's behest, Tom withdrew his offer to submit to the

"I couldn't win," he explains.

Goodpasture's supervisor, Judy Randle, says no one at the agency can
comment specifically on the case, citing confidentiality.

And though Tom agreed to have his CPS records released to The Hook,
the agency declined to turn them over by press time because the
request was being reviewed by the County attorney's office.

Randle did agree to speak generally, however. A CPS case worker,
Randle says, must perform "collateral interviews" with anyone relevant
to a child in question. That would include psychiatrists, teachers,
spouses, and anyone else who might have information material to the
case. Failure to perform such necessary interviews before labeling a
disposition "founded" would constitute negligence, Randle says, and
would negate the offending case worker's immunity at trial.

Tom says the investigation was not thorough. Kathleen says if
Goodpasture had conducted such interviews in their case, they would
have raised at least reasonable doubt.

"A lot of [Sarah's] claims would be difficult to prove or disprove,"
says Kathleen, but some, such as the couple's supposedly "satanic"
wedding, could easily have been checked.

"It was a beautiful ceremony," says Keith Stevens, a guitar teacher
who once worked with Kathleen, a piano teacher. Stevens, who performed
the music at the Manuels' wedding, recalls nearly 100 people gathering
at a friend's Earlysville home for the ceremony, which was performed
by a minister from Unity Church, a Christian denomination.

CPS did, however, investigate one of Sarah's allegations.

In the course of her interview with Goodpasture, Sarah alleged that
her father had also molested her first cousin, Ashley, one year older
than Sarah, and who lived in Chesapeake.

According to Ashley and her mother, a Chesapeake social worker
suddenly appeared at Ashley's middle school accompanied by a police
officer and took the eighth grader out of class without her parents'
knowledge or consent.

Despite interrogation from the social worker, which occurred in May
1994, Ashley held fast to her answer: Her uncle had never touched her
in any inappropriate way.

"They kept pushing and pushing for the answer they wanted to hear,"
said Ashley when she spoke about the situation a year later in
testimony before the Virginia General Assembly. Her mother, Tom's
older sister, Kim Nozzarella, also spoke.

"I was very angry to find that in America my child could be removed
from class and then be interrogated and coerced by strangers for
alleged abuse that did not even presumably occur in my home,"
Nozzarella told lawmakers. "I feel that my rights as well as those of
my daughter were violated."

Other family efforts to clear their name included making contact with
a weekly Charlottesville newspaper, which-- circa 1995, when Sarah was
still making her abuse claims-- chose not to publish the story.

Today, Kim Nozzarella says it's been terrible to watch her younger
brother, whom she describes as a "gentle, docile man," suffer over
these past 10 years. And she says she's still outraged by the methods
Child Protective Services used in gathering information against him.

Indeed, CPS does have broad discretion, and-- as Tom points out-- its
officers have immunity from prosecution-- unless, as Randle says,
negligence can be proven.

The Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act, sponsored by then-Iowa
Senator Walter Mondale in 1974, gives public agencies broad

"They can come into your house and take your children away without a
warrant," says Tom. "You'd have to go to court to get them back."

Tom says Detective Bunch told him he could be arrested at any time
because there was enough "evidence" to indict him.

"We were in a state of abject terror," says Kathleen. "We were
sleeping in our clothes."

The arrest never came.

Battle for a child

As their fears of immediate prosecution abated, Tom and Kathleen
focused their energy on re-establishing visitation with Sarah. It
would not be an easy battle.

"We were in court every couple of weeks at times," says Kathleen.

In the spring of 1995, a year and a half after Tom's last visit with
his daughter, a judge ordered psychiatric evaluations of Tom, Susan,
and Sarah.

Harrisonburg-based clinical psychologist Mario Dennis performed the
evaluation. He spoke to The Hook with Tom's consent.

"Some of the allegations were so fantastic that they-- even if true--
would have been difficult to believe," says Dennis. Most importantly,
he adds, "There was simply no evidence of any psychological
disturbance that would correlate with the allegations against him."

Sarah, age 10, with Tom and Kathleen.

Though Tom says all three were eventually given a clean bill of mental
health, it was clear to him the problems were far from over.

This time, postage stamps were the clue. Tom had sent Sarah two
cards-- one for Valentine's Day, and one for her birthday in mid-
March. Kathleen had purchased stamps with a picture of a hand signing
"I love you" in American Sign Language. "They thought we were sending
more Satanic messages," Tom says incredulously.

October 1995 found Tom at his wits' end. "We were emotionally and
financially drained," he says, noting that he and his wife had spent
$60,000 on legal bills in just two years.

On October 11, recalls Tom, "I prayed to God for Sarah and said,
'She's in your hands now.'"

The very next night, the phone rang.

"Sarah called," he remembers, smiling. "Both of us were crying. She'd
been trying to say, 'None of this ever happened,' but Stein had been
threatening her with more hospitalizations."

Sarah still remembers those threats.

"When I would say, 'My dad never touched me,' Stein would tell me that
if I couldn't remember, I'd be put into a hospital where I'd be raped
every day," she says. When she tested Stein's resolve by refusing to
"remember," she says he followed through on the threat and put her in
a hospital isolation unit for 48 hours.

Uphill battle

After Sarah's call, Tom and Kathleen hoped that the nightmare would
soon be behind them. In 1995, the couple filed a complaint against
Stein with the Virginia Board of Medicine, but it languished until
1998, when the Board finally dismissed it without any action against
the psychiatrist. Tom still wonders what would have happened if they'd
treated his complaint differently.

"Nine of the 10 people in the recent complaint started treatment with
Stein after 1995," he points out.

As it was, Stein was free to continue practicing. And his influence on
Sarah's mother and her relatives ran deep-- they still believed that
Tom had victimized his daughter.

The tide was turning for Tom, however. With Sarah's testimony
absolving Tom-- and the recommendation of a court-appointed guardian,
a lawyer working solely for the child-- Judge Jannene Shannon restored
Tom's visitation with his daughter in December 1995.

Susan quickly appealed the decision.

Out of money, Tom decided to handle his defense in the appeal himself.
For more than a year, starting in October 1996, he was a man

"I'd get up every morning," he recalls, "and figure out 'What motion
can I file today?'"

In addition to handling the appeal, Tom and Kathleen filed a third-
party malpractice suit against Dr. Stein in October 1997. Although he
was planning to represent himself in that case as well, Tom says, the
constant trips to Fairfax courts, the costs of hiring expert
witnesses, and the fact that such a case had never been won in
Virginia led him to drop the suit.

As for the custody appeal, he stayed on task.

An engineer by trade, Tom set to work learning the law, and his hard
work paid off. In December 1997, exactly four years after the ordeal
began, he won the appeal and was able to start rebuilding his
relationship with his daughter. Sarah was nearly 17.

Hope for the future

Although her past is unlike most young women's, Sarah says she is
living a "normal" life. Now 22, she's finishing her degree in
sociology and is engaged to be married. But getting to this place has
been-- and continues to be-- difficult.

Fortunately, she has found a counselor whom she trusts.

"I was having a lot of problems with flashbacks," she says.

She's also burdened with guilt about the suffering her family has been
through. "I feel terrible about it," she says. "He's been through so
much with this too," she says of her father.

Tom and Kathleen, however, don't hold her responsible.

Nine-year-old Sarah (middle right) says of her cousin Ashley
Nozzarella (middle left), "I was really close to her as a kid. I'd
really like to be close to her again." Also pictured: Sarah's cousins
Chris Nozzarella (top) and Jennifer Nozzarella (bottom) holding Andrew

"She was a child," says Kathleen, "and she was no match for Stein."
Their relationship with Sarah, all three agree, grows stronger every

The same cannot be said for Tom and Kathleen's relationship with
Sarah's mother, Susan, with whom they have had no contact for years.
Sarah says that despite the revelations about Stein, Susan still
believes that Tom did something untoward.

Tom, having battled colon cancer for the past 14 months, would like to
put the whole situation behind him. A week after the Post story
appeared, Tom sent a letter to Susan's father, who had supported Susan
in the custody dispute. In it, Tom requests "healing for Sarah's

"There will come a day when Sarah gets married," he wrote. "Sarah
deserves the support of both sides of her family, and I hope and pray
that you and your family members will be supportive and respectful of
those wishes and at a minimum be civil towards her and my family."

Tom also sent a letter to Stein.

"I do not call you a doctor, because as a doctor you are called to
first do no harm," Tom wrote. "You have caused harm to many, if not
all, of your patients... I pray that you seek the help you need, not
from a doctor like you but from one who follows sound medical

It's unlikely that Stein will practice medicine again.

"The conduct that was described in that report is horrendous,
inexcusable," says Bob Nebiker, director of the Virginia Department of
Health Professions, the umbrella organization of the Virginia Board of

A September 28 cover story in The Washington Post detailed Stein's
alleged misdeeds.

Last October 11, Stein's license was suspended for one year following
the Board's findings. However, Nebiker insists that there was no
harsher penalty available at the time.

"It was the same effect as revocation," says Nebiker. "In either case,
the physician could apply to have his license reinstated after one
year." That policy has now been modified to distinguish clearly
between suspension and revocation, Nebiker says.

Through his attorney, Rockville, Maryland-based Geoffrey Gavett, Stein
declined all comment on the allegations.

Nebiker says there is no record at this time of an application from
Stein for reinstatement of his medical license.

And though Fairfax County police opened an investigation into the
death of Stein's patient Anita Kratzke, that case has been closed,
according to Fairfax police spokesperson Courtney Young. "That's a
civil matter now," she says. The Washington Post reported that Fairfax
detective Robert Murphy told Kratzke's husband, Robert, in an email,
"I believe the only way we could have known the truth was with an
autopsy, which Dr. Stein thwarted when he signed the death

Sarah says she'd like to see Stein punished. "I think he's a danger to
other people," she says. "Losing his license isn't enough."

Vengeance, however, doesn't seem to run in the Manuel family. Like her
father, Sarah would like to put the past behind her and to see her
family heal.

"I'm really okay," she says.

Sarah, age 2.

"It was obvious to us and everyone else we knew that these allegations
couldn't be true," says Kathleen Manuel.

Many of these "Case Workers" OFTEN were (or see) THEMSELVES as having
been somehow "victimized" as children, distrusts ALL parents, and
There is a desperate need to codify a NEW CLINICAL condition of
"Old Dysfunctional Hippie Disorder" (ODHD)

Your every past word, deed, and thought are scrutinized under the New
Age microscope. She will fabricate conjectures to cast you in the
worst possible light.

You think quietly to yourself "I must have gotten the worst SOCIOPATH
in their whole office". But after a while you learn that THEY ARE ALL
THAT WAY in every Child Protective Service office across the nation
and around the world. Child "Protective" Services People fit the
Profile of a Sociopath

If you maintain a HIGH MORAL or ETHICAL STANDARD of any kind, or if
you are a Christian- you can expect SPECIAL ATTENTION for your
standards- because they do not believe in ABSOLUTE right and wrong.
This is not about any ABUSE of children by parents,

While you are going through all this, you are so shocked, terrified,
confused, bewildered, and disoriented- it doesn't occur to you that
these people are running a SCAM on you under the


They will try to keep you "confused" and "off balance" as long as
possible. They strive to maintain themselves as the "god" over your
life by "keeping you busy" complying with their absurd demands, seeing
their "counselors", and attending their compelled useless "classes"
IMPLYING that it "might" help get your kids back, or THREATENING you
with permanent termination if you don't obey their every capricious

They set these "meetings" up to require you to miss work. They DO NOT
CARE if you lose your job.

In fact, it appears they WANT you to lose your job to make you
"SERVICES"! They seem to especially enjoy setting meetings up to
conflict WITH EACH OTHER and find you "non-compliant" for FAILING to

They operate through fear, threats, and intimidation.

You are afraid to go talk with a lawyer about what they are doing to
you, because "it might make them mad".

THEY ARE COUNTING on your "faith in the system" and your DISBELIEF
that the flagrant injustice you are experiencing is anything but "just
a misunderstanding".
These people COULDN'T be doing what it

AT NO TIME, do they want it to occur to you that you have American
Constitutional Rights and DO NOT "HAVE" TO PUT UP WITH their Nazi
behavior. If the thought DOES CROSS YOUR MIND to even ASK- "What about
my Rights?", you will be met with nasty, foul, sickening threats.

By the time you start "wising up", the trap has already snapped shut
and you THINK you have to "play their game" to resolve the

Then by the time you realize that you are going to LOSE your kids,
your job, your house, and probably your marriage over this mind-
boggling fraud, NO MATTER WHAT YOU DO OR DON'T DO, the process is

If they have your kids, you might continue trying to "comply" with
their insane, impossible conditions (which they keep adding) for up to
2 years.

People end up "plea bargaining", admitting "guilt" when they are
completely innocent- because THEY TELL YOU THAT YOU HAVE TO, TO GET

Of course, once you admit guilt, YOU ARE TOAST

Very, very few parents ever "win" this game.

The few who do win, mortgaged their home, cashed in all the College
savings, got SECOND JOBS, borrowed money from all their relatives and
LUCKILY hired a lawyer who HATES THE CPS and fights to WIN, not plea
bargain. They might get their kids back, after the CPS has ruined

Bankruptcy and Divorces often follow. Few people recover from the
ungodly trauma and Legal Abuse a CPS investigation puts them through.
Those of us who have been through a malicious False Allegation are
often called "paranoid" by people who have never been through it (who
have "faith in the system" and DISBELIEVE YOU). But we aren't deluded
or irrational. We WERE persecuted.

As a newspaper editor remarked when I was discussing my case with

"It isn't paranoia if THEY REALLY ARE out to get you".

This industry, it's agenda, and methods are an INTOLERABLE ABUSE of
American Citizens, and a deliberate AFFRONT to American Constitutional
Rights, Basic Human Rights, and even the United Nation Universal
Declaration of Human Rights.

The marvel of all history is the patience with which men and women
submit to burdens unnecessarily laid upon them by their governments.
-- William H. Borah

If they haven't attacked your family yet, we HIGHLY RECOMMEND our
brochure "Family Survival Information- When your local Children's
Protective Service takes an interest in YOUR FAMILY".
Be forewarned and ready to stand up for your Constitutional Rights.
Your Constitutional Rights are your ONLY defense against these
terrorists. When your Constitutional RIGHTS are gone, so is America.
And we are very nearly there.

"Nothing is more dangerous than the idea that some public officials
are above the law. If they are, then we don't have law -- and we won't
have freedom much longer either." --Thomas Sowell

State of the County 2007

Chairman Connolly's Inauguration Speech

Chairman Connolly's Testimony Before Governor Kaine's

Transportation Listening Tour

Chairman Connolly & Delegate Scott's 8 Point Transportation Plan

Chairman Connolly's Inauguration Speech as President of the Virginia
Association of Counties

Testimony Before State Senate Subcommittee on Land Use &

Testimony Before Federal Base Realignment and Closure Commission

9/11 Memorial Speech - Given 9/11/05

Chairman Connolly's
Electronic Newsletter

Chairman Connolly's Transportation Plan

Safe Teen Driving Initiative

Board's Environmental Plan

Chairman Connolly's Biography

About Our Office

Upcoming Events & Current Issues

Newcomers' Page

Serving on a Board, Authority, or Commission

Transportation Links

Must Have Numbers

Constituent Feedback Form

This Website has been designed by members of AFRA ( American Family
Rights Association )


ave you posted the audio on YouTube yet?
They spread faster than any caseworker can suppress them.

On Aug 26, 11:48 am, wrote:

> Fairfax County CPS Social Worker accused of Fabricating, Child Sexual
> Abuse allegations.



> Fairfax VA. Wednesday, July 03, 2007

> A complaint has been filed with the Department of Family Services for
> the dismissal of CPS social worker Ms. Shannon Traore and her boss
> Elizabeth Spell of the Fairfax Department of Family Services. Also
> filed was a request to investigate all cases of abuse in which Ms.
> Traore has been involved in.

> Ms. Traore has been caught on audio tape leading two young children
> aged 5 & 7 years to state physical & sexual abuse allegations against
> their father. Using those coached testimony Ms. Traore helped kick off
> a criminal and civil campaign against the father.

> When asked what happened to the tapes from the coached interviews,
> Ms. Traore claims there were audio failure. Well, Did she record
> subsequent interviews? No. claims Ms. Traore. In a recovered audio
> tape interview Ms Traore starts off the second interview by suggesting
> to the child to think of the reasons why she does not like going to
> her dads, and how if has her dad touched her in the bikini area, those
> are bad touches, The child repeatedly states to Ms. Traore during the
> interview that it was in the bath tub when she was 3 years of age and
> daddy was giving the a bath. ( Dad was the sole custodian of the
> children).

> Ms. Traore of Fairfax County, Virginia filed a Temporary protective
> order in November of 2006 used in a Juvenile court case that she "knew
> or reasonably should have known were false or at the very least
> questionable" and that the report would mislead a Judge Clayton into
> making a decision in the case, according to court records obtained by
> this reporter. Read More... How Fairfax County CPS Social Worker
> fabricated child abuse.

> In an audio tape obtained from the CPS, Social worker Ms Traore is
> heard coaching and asking leading questions


Re: Virginia USA audio of caseworker coaching and leading interview

On Aug 27, 3:46 pm, Greegor  wrote: > Please archive. > > > >    Aug 26, 11:48 am > > Newsgroups: > From: > Subject: Fairfax County CPSSocialWorker accused of Fabricating, > Child Sexual Abuse allegations. > > Fairfax County CPSSocialWorker accused of Fabricating, Child Sexual > Abuse allegations. > > > > > > NEWS RELEASE > Fairfax VA. Wednesday, July 03, 2007 > > A complaint has been filed with the Department of FamilyServicesfor > the dismissal of CPSsocialworker Ms. Shannon Traore and her boss > Elizabeth Spell of the Fairfax Department of FamilyServices. Also > filed was a request to investigate all cases of abuse in which Ms. > Traore has been involved in. > >  Ms. Traore has been caught on audio tape leading two young children > aged 5 & 7 years to state physical & sexual abuse allegations against > their father. Using those coached testimony Ms. Traore helped kick > off > a criminal and civil campaign against the father. > >  When asked what happened to the tapes from the coached interviews, > Ms. Traore claims there were audio failure. Well, Did she record > subsequent interviews? No. claims Ms. Traore.  In a recovered audio > tape interview Ms Traore starts off the second interview by > suggesting > to the child to think of the reasons why she does not like going to > her dads, and how if has her dad touched her in the bikini area, > those > are bad touches, The child repeatedly states to Ms. Traore during the > interview that it was in the bath tub when she was 3 years of age and > daddy was giving the a bath. ( Dad was the sole custodian of the > children). > > Ms. Traore of Fairfax County, Virginia filed a Temporary protective > order in November of 2006 used in a Juvenile court case that she > "knew > or reasonably should have known were false or at the very least > questionable" and that the report would mislead a Judge Clayton into > making a decision in the case, according to court records obtained by > this reporter. Read More...  How Fairfax County CPSSocialWorker > fabricated child abuse. > > In an audio tape obtained from the CPS,Socialworker Ms Traore is > heard coaching and asking leading questions > > > > Is Gerry Connolly Chairman, Fairfax County Board of Supervisors a > Child Abuser?  Is he a Sexual Abuser. Did he Sexually Abuse his > Daughter Caitlin Connolly? > >   According to Fairfax County Child ProtectiveServicesSocialWorker > Ms. Shannon Traore who investigated several people for child abuse, > She has found by a preponderance of evidence among many that the > Chairman of the Board of Supervisor Mr. Gerry Connolly to have > sexually abused his daughter Caitlin Connolly. Her boss Elizebeth > Spell at CPS seems to agree with her. > > Why would she find Gerry or for that matter any other prominent > citizens to be child abusers? How did the Child ProtectiveServices > come to this conclusion? Is thisSocialworker a sick pervert, Is she > out of her mind? How is it possible for a prominent and outstanding > citizen of Fairfax county, a loving father of Caitlin Connolly to be > found to have sexually abused his own daughter.   Well, Gerry Connolly > had touched his daughter's genitals and her bikini area in the bath > tub when she was three years old while giving her a bath. And those > are bad touches... And our chairman becomes a pervert and a > pedophile..Parents should not be doing bad touches.... and according > to CPSsocialworker Ms. Shannon Traore those people are guilty of > sexually abusing their children. Parents are not allowed to touch > their children in their genital area while giving them a bath. By this > definition thisSocialworker becomes the thought police finding > anyone in Fairfax County to be Sexual Abusers. Her target mostly are > fathers in child custody situations. > > Please listen to the following audio recording before reading > further : > > Interview of a 5 year old girl by CPS worker Ms. Shannon Traore > > Interview of a 7 Year old girl  by the CPS Ms.  Shannon Traore. > > Continuation...... 5 year old interview by Ms. Traore. > > picture1 -socialworker Ms. Traore used this picture as evidence to > prevent a parent from having contact with his daughter. This is the > most dammning evidence of physical abuse of the child that she could > get. - She was preventing anyone from accessing this photo as > evidence. > > Picture 2 - This is the next damming picture of physical abuse. > > SocialWorker refused to talk with Credible Witnesses who have seen > the children on the day that she claims the children were abused. > > see affidavit of Paul Thomas   and affidavit of Lasantha Weidende a > professional with security clearance. > > Fairfax County CPSSocialWorker accused of Fabricating, Child Sexual > Abuse allegations. > > NEWS RELEASE > Fairfax VA. Wednesday, July 03, 2007 > > A complaint has been filed with the Department of FamilyServicesfor > the dismissal of CPSsocialworker Ms. Shannon Traore and her boss > Elizabeth Spell of the Fairfax Department of FamilyServices. Also > filed was a request to investigate all cases of abuse in which Ms. > Traore has been involved in. > >  Ms. Traore has been caught on audio tape leading two young children > aged 5 & 7 years to state physical & sexual abuse allegations against > their father. Using those coached testimony Ms. Traore helped kick off > a criminal and civil campaign against the father. > >  When asked what happened to the tapes from the coached interviews, > Ms. Traore claims there were audio failure. Well, Did she record > subsequent interviews? No. claims Ms. Traore.  In a recovered audio > tape interview Ms Traore starts off the second interview by suggesting > to the child to think of the reasons why she does not like going to > her dads, and how if has her dad touched her in the bikini area, those > are bad touches, The child repeatedly states to Ms. Traore during the > interview that it was in the bath tub when she was 3 years of age and > daddy was giving the a bath. ( Dad was the sole custodian of the > children). > > Ms. Traore of Fairfax County, Virginia filed a Temporary protective > order in November of 2006 used in a Juvenile court case that she "knew > or reasonably should have known were false or at the very least > questionable" and that the report would mislead a Judge Clayton into > making a decision in the case, according to court records obtained by > this reporter. Read More...  How Fairfax County CPSSocialWorker > fabricated child abuse. > >  In an audio tape obtained from the CPS,Socialworker Ms Traore is > heard coaching and asking leading questions > > How Child Protectiveservicesworks > National Coalition for Child Protection Reform / 53 Skyhill Road > (Suite 202) / Alexandria, Va., 22314 / / > > CPS False Accusations > > KIDJACKED - How CPS Seizes control of a child , by use of force. > > Nazi Germany or America? Our granddaughter - age 2 ½ years old was > kidnapped and abducted by C.P.S. workers > > Parent's Worst Nightmare - This is Child Protection? > > "Most of the time, I was taking their kids away for no good reason" -- > A New York City CPS worker > > ( Amy Pagnozzi, "HRA Insider: I Took Kids From Parents For No Good > Reason," New York Post, February 4, 1991, p.7 ) > > COVER- Saving Sarah: Satan worship, sex abuse, and Dr. Martin Stein > > Published October 16, 2003 in issue #0241 of The Hook > > By COURTENEY STUART STU...@READTHEHOOK.COM > > The little girl's memories were vivid and horrifying: being raped by > her father at age two, watching her father and stepmother bury animals > alive in satanic rituals, and seeing babies boiling in a cauldron > while adults stirred the pot. But were they true? > > The Albemarle County Department ofSocialServicesbelieved enough of > them to rule against her father and put his name in the central > registry of child abusers. While the child was clearly tortured by > those memories, she wasn't the only one in pain. Today, that little > girl's father, Tom Manuel, and his wife, Kathleen, know firsthand what > hell is like, but it's not because they worship Satan. They say the > instrument of their suffering resides right here on earth and goes by > the name Dr. Martin Stein. > > The trouble starts > > Tom Manuel remembers exactly when his nightmare began:  three days > before he was due to pick up his then-12-year-old daughter, Sarah, for > Christmas vacation. With no warning, Tom and his new wife, Kathleen, > received a letter from his ex-wife's attorney denying them all > visitation with Sarah. For months, Tom and Kathleen-- whose son, Jack, > was then just seven months old-- fought to learn why his visits had > been terminated. In April 1994, they got a terrifying answer: Sarah > had memories of the couple participating in grotesque satanic rituals. > Even worse, she claimed her father had sexually abused her from her > earliest years. > > Three-year-old Sarah, years before the trouble started. > > Things hadn't always been bad between Sarah and her father, however. > > Tom and Sarah's mother divorced when Sarah was four, but for two years > all three continued to reside in Charlottesville. Tom and Sarah, by > both of their accounts, continued to enjoy a close relationship and > did so for several years after the divorce, even after Sarah and her > mother moved out of town. > > Sarah, now a woman finishing college in northern Virginia, says the > serious problems began after her mother remarried. > > Sarah became depressed and her mother sought psychiatric treatment for > her. At age 10, Sarah was diagnosed with Attention Deficit Disorder > and soon after was hospitalized for an emotional disturbance. Though > her mother divorced her second husband, Sarah's troubles weren't > over. > > When Sarah was released from inpatient treatment at Dominion Hospital > in Falls Church, her mother, Susan Jones, switched her daughter's > treatment to Martin Stein, a well known psychiatrist who, according to > the Virginia Board of Medicine's records, has a medical degree from > Yale. > > Things quickly went ... > > read more »,,30100-1281689,00.html  Fran Lyon false allegation MSbP unborn child to be taken at birth  GMTV Tomorrow 30th August
date: Wed, 29 Aug 2007 08:25:38 -0700 author: unknown

1.Shannon Traore
Shannon L Traore
Shannon Lee Traore
Shannon L Tyler
Shannon Lee Tyler
Manassas, VA
Fairfax, VA
Herndon, VA
Oakton, VA
Easton, MD
Salisbury, MD
Ibrahima Lee Traore
Get More Details

Shannon Lee Traore
Shannon L Tyler
Fairfax, VA
Manassas, VA
Jane Lee Tyler
Jaime L Tyler
George E Tyler
Ibrahima Lee Traore

Crime and Punishment: Child Protective Services Busted!

Also see: Fairfax County Social Worker Shannon Traore AKA Shannon Tyler fabricate child abuse...


Veena said...

Shannon Traore used to live in Herndon at the Jefferson Mews condo....525 Florida Ave....after the false accusation incident..she was let go and she moved to Manassas...This evil woman should never be allowed to go near any child... This women is a white collar child abuser.


Unknown said...

Well, this hits a little to close to home. Legal kidnapping seems to be a rising and unsettling trend. Coincidentally, Gerry Connolly met with karma for the things he himself had been guilty of for many years. Gerry Connolly was on the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors when a CPS case worker legally kidnapped me. I was taken from my family, my parents humiliated by false allegations of sexual abuse and neglect and my younger siblings incessently tormented by social workers. Elizabeth Spell was this social workers direct supervisor at the time of my kidnapping (surprise, surprise). While my family was literally living in hell, Gerry Connolly and his colleagues were protecting individuals such as Elizabeth Spell who, in time, did to him and his family as was done to mine. Part of his duty as a Board Supervisor was to keep all the faceless children who were stolen from their families, who's lives were forever changed and whose scars will never heal, in the custody of the corrupt system he himself was eventually not immune from. If anyone Googles the Fairfax County Board's meeting minutes they will find countless lawsuits which were in fact discussed and that ALL board members unanimously swept under the rug. Ever wonder what that billion dollar budget is spent on? I'll give you a hint: lawyers, that are paid to make people's pains disapear. I have no sympathy for a man who values no ones life but his own. Sadly, if he had taken a higher moral standard while sitting on the Board, he could have made positive change and brought light to this agency and their corrupt behavior. Instead, he, as well as many others, chose to ignore it, just as he continued to do while sitting in higher places. Shame on this man and so many who chose and continue to look the other way.